Educational Reflections / Articles and Essays

It took a while for me to figure out that classroom management was really a relationship building skill”. Jeremey Wilder


Despite the fact that teaching is a harsh, frustrating and challenging career however, it`s joyful, fruitful and enjoyable at the same time since you are dealing with minds. Moreover, its value relies within it. It is the profession that creates all other professions. 

Throughout their effortful career, teachers continuously encounter challenging situations that demand effective decision making and good classroom management skills. 

 I have always dreamed about the day where I will be standing in front of my pupils, looking at their eyes and trying to figure out each ones` personality. But before that, I surely need to set different goals for my future classroom and advocate different strategies that might aid my teaching processes. Personally and based on an experience in the educational field either by being an observer for about a year in local schools or by being a teacher for a short period of time, I admit that one of the most formidable, toilsome and time consuming skills that the teacher should already have and try her best to implement it efficiently is classroom management skills. 

To start up, the majority of the teachers and specifically new ones find it very difficult to establish and maintain an efficient effective classroom management routine for their class during their early start at school. They come to school energetic and excited about teaching pupils and spreading the knowledge that they have learned during their college years here and there but surprisingly they got shocked by the reality that they should be good managers beside being good mobile bodies of knowledge. 

Classroom management skills gradually come after being knowledgeable enough in whatever major you are enrolled in. As second language teachers, being good language teachers comes first then good managers who advocate valuable effective classroom skills comes second. Effective learning won`t surely take place in a poorly managed class with lots of noises and disruptive behaviors. That`s why our ultimate supreme goal is to hold on teachers` hand and help them establish clear classroom rules, routines and expectations that contribute in maintaining a calm and peaceful atmosphere that helps in developing productive and catchy learning environment.
Teachers play various important roles in managing typical classrooms. An effective teacher is the teacher that discourages misbehaviors and encourages interaction. It`s the teacher that controls the classroom by managing it through establishing clear rules and expectations and not the one that disciplines it. Now, I Lara Ayoub, a third year TEFL student, compiling all the knowledge that I have from the classroom management course admit that: in my future noble career which is teaching and building future leaders I will be using the classroom theories that I had learned so far in the course as the foundation of establishing rules and routines for my classroom. Additionally, I will be eclectic and unique in taking bits and pieces from here and there to build my own theory regarding the classroom management domain. 

Initially, I want to highlight the importance of setting clear routines for my classroom from the very beginning of the year so students will follow certain specified rules that help us in learning and decreasing the noises and the troubles that might hinder learning in one way or another.
In advocating the assertive discipline theory in my future classroom, I will be the assertive type of teachers. 

The kind of teacher that we all want to be; a positive supportive teacher who builds trust with her pupils and practices desired behaviors in front of them. The one who encourages and motivates students in which she shows teaching and learning thrive. This type of teacher that confidently models routines and expectations allows students to figure out their misbehavior and helps them identify it`s consequences. In this way I`ll be providing a peaceful and meaningful environment for productive learning. Moreover, I will acknowledge the hierarchy of discipline in which I will take into consideration that there are five steps or consequences that should be done for dealing with a misbehavior. 

In my job as future teacher, dignity comes first. Students in my class should know that school is dynamic, beneficial and a place to learn too. I will establish and maintain a sense of dignity and hope in my class and I will help students be responsible by generating a set of clear expectations. In addition, I will encourage them to take risks that will boost their self-confidence and shape their self-esteem and self-concept. I will be always available to them at any time. They need to see me standing beside them and supporting their decisions every now and then. I will be holding their hands in each step they took towards brilliant future. 

Furthermore, after being exposed to different sets of classroom management theories I`m now able to compile all the effective techniques and strategies that I will be using in my future classroom just to make it runs smoothly. I`m now able to use non-verbal communication skills such as facial expressions and gestures to manage the class. For example, I can make eye contact or I can use the power of physical proximity or I can raise one hand up with holding two fingers at my lips or I can use a clap pattern, ring a bell, play soft music, and turn off the lights. 

I can admit now that I learned several valuable things that will aid my teaching in the future. For example, I learned that in my future class I need to communicate with my pupil`s parents. I recently knew the right way of communicating with them such as sending letters, notes and then conference with them. 

To put it in brief, classroom management isn`t about having the clear direct rules that students will stick to and practice for the whole year, it`s about building relationships between the teacher and the students by applying certain routines and rules in the classroom that will create productive learning atmosphere. 

Classroom management domain reflects the success or the failure of the teacher. Such domain is very challenging and tough, it demonstrates and reflects the teacher`s strength and weaknesses. It shows whether the teacher is capable of controlling and managing the class or not. At last, “the greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, the children are now working as if I don`t exist” Maria Montessori. 

Mom You Never Told Me ~ 

Mom you never told me that being a mature and responsible person needs hard efforts. You have never told me that the responsibilities you handle now and the efforts you have paid for our own good costs so much. Mom you never told me that one day I`m going to assume huge responsibilities and exert lots of efforts as you do now. I know that thanking you isn`t really enough but I do appreciate you. Mom thank you for your unstoppable support, care, and endless sacrifice.

My mom, my ideal person, has always supported me in every stage I went through. I can`t take any decision without referring to her. I always ask for her advice since her advice affects me strongly. I could tell that she has an essential role in decisions that I make, especially when I wanted to choose a major. She supported me at that time and every time to major in TEFL because she found it beneficial to me. Even in the decisions which are related to my personal and entire life particularly those that belong to choosing Mr. Right, she had a main role in guiding me. Her support and advices was indeed worthy.

Mom`s care is so priceless, no one can take her place in my heart. Seeing mom, my role model, assuming lots of responsibilities and exerting hard efforts particularly when she was cooking for me and my friends our favorite dishes, the yummiest pasta, and doing the hose chores alone without complaining, just to draw a smile on my face and make me proud of her in front of them. Actually this makes me feel so special and unique that I start appreciate and respect her more and more. Moreover I won`t forget her love, tenderness, and kindness which mom exerted when I felt sick. She used to stay beside me all the night long, taking care of me and giving me medicine unless I feel better and get well. Mom`s adequate care played an important role in building up my personality and making me a wise confident lady.

Furthermore sacrificing herself for our own good was mom`s main job. We are four children, and we are mom`s priority. I can see her eyes sparkling for our success and I can figure that out when I succeeded in the official exams. Mom`s happiness at that time was reaching the sky. Mom always cares for our goodness just to see us smiling. When she went to buy things she needs, you find her buying stuffs for us and especially for me, her spoiled oldest daughter, just to make us always glad. Her endless sacrifice means a lot to me, this sacrifice is so precious.

            My mom is my teacher, my hairstylist, my doctor, and my supporter. She is an essential part of my heart and life, I can`t imagine my life without her existence. Her efforts are highly appreciated. I pray god to protect her by his blessings. My lovely mom I love you head over heels.    

The International Space Station

A seminar thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the general requirements of the course
“The Universe and Earth”


Definition of ISS:

The International Space Station (ISS) is a space station, or a habitable artificial satellite, in low Earth orbit. It is a modular structure whose first component was launched in is also a large spacecraft, it orbits around Earth. It is a home where astronauts live. The space station is also a science lab. Many countries worked together to build it. They also work together to use it. It is now the largest artificial body in orbit; it can often be seen with the naked eye from Earth.

When fully constructed the Space Station will consist of approximately 70 separate major components and hundreds of minor ones that are due to be launched into space by the year 2004.The space station is made of many pieces. The pieces were put together in space by astronauts. The space station's orbit is about 220 miles above Earth. NASA uses the station to learn about living and working in space. These lessons will help NASA explore space...
The ISS serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in which crew members conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology and other fields.
The station is suited for the testing of spacecraft systems and equipment required for missions to the Moon and Mars.
On the sides of the space station are solar arrays. These arrays collect energy from the sun. They turn sunlight into electricity. Robot arms are attached outside. The robot arms helped to build the space station. They also can move astronauts around outside and control science experiments.
In partnership with the United States, Russia, Japan and Canada, Europe is sharing in the greatest international project of all time - the International Space Station. The 360-tonne International Space Station has more than 820 cubic meters of pressurized space - enough room for its crew of six persons and a vast array of scientific experiments. In partnership with the United States, Russia, Japan and Canada, Europe is sharing in the greatest international project of all time - the International Space Station. The 360-tonne International Space Station has more than 820 cubic meters of pressurized space - enough room for its crew of six persons and a vast array of scientific experiments.

Chapter One                                          

Advantages of ISS... (ISS benefits the Humanity):
n this chapter we will talk about the advantages and the benefits of the International Space Station :
Space Station Benefits to Humanity:
Studies have shown that sharing information about NASA technologies and the commercial products which have resulted from those technologies increases the public’s appreciation for the space exploration. These technologies are called “spinoffs” and NASA has a publication of the same name aimed at sharing information about the benefits of NASA technologies .A few years ago, the NASA City and Home application leveraged existing Spinoff information to deliver a visually appealing and interactive way for the public to navigate a city or home to see where NASA benefits their daily lives. This information is now available for the International Space Station (ISS).
Human Health, Earth Observation, and Education Statement:
Human Health:
The International Space Station is a unique laboratory for performing investigations that affect human health both in space and on Earth. Throughout its assembly, the space station has supported research that is providing a better understanding of certain aspects of human health, such as aging, trauma, disease and the environment. Several biological and human physiological investigations have yielded important results, including improved understanding of basic physiological processes normally masked by gravity and development of new medical technology and protocols driven by the need to support astronaut health. Advances in telemedicine, disease models, psychological stress response systems, nutrition, cell behavior and environmental health are just a few examples of benefits that have been gained from the unique space station microgravity environment. Earth Observation and Disaster Response .The International Space Station is a “global observation and diagnosis station.” It promotes international Earth observations aimed at understanding and resolving the environmental issues of our home planet. The space station offers a unique vantage for observing the Earth’s ecosystems with hands-on and automated equipment. These options enable astronauts to observe and explain what they witness in real time. Station crews can observe and collect camera images of events as they unfold and may also provide input to ground personnel programming the station’s automated Earth-sensing systems. This flexibility is an Advantage over sensors on unmanned Spacecraft, especially when unexpected Natural events, such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur. A wide variety of Earth-observation Payloads can be attached to the exposed Facilities on the station’s exterior; already, several instruments have been proposed by researchers from the partner countries. The station contributes to humanity by collecting data on the global climate, environmental change and natural hazards using its unique complement of crew-operated and automated Earth-observation payloads.
The existing international partnerships, fundamental to the International Space Station, facilitate data sharing that can benefit people around the world and promote international collaboration on other Earth-observation activities

Chapter Two                                          

Usage of International Space Station
n this chapter we will talk about the usage of the International Space Station In humans life :
The ISS is made of loads of metals and ceramics this means conventional aluminum for the main body, reinforced carbon on leading edge of wing, silica-based insulation material and similar materials for heat-resistant tiles .

It is used for experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology and other fields. The station is suited for the testing of spacecraft systems and equipment required for missions to the Moon and Mars it was also planned to act as a staging base for possible future missions to the Moon, Mars and asteroids

They sent it up in pieces in segments and constructed it in space via space walks and other means like the Canadarm2.
It is funded till 2020 but could continue in orbit till 2022
Every time a NASA shuttle mission is launched the ISS allows itself to drop lower to the Earth this makes it so heavier loads can reach the ISS easier. Gravity still affects the ISS so every now and again the shuttle has to correct its orbit (and avoid space debris sometimes)
The shuttle is in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

Importance and Parts of International Space Station:
1-   Why Is the Space Station Important?
Astronauts work in spacesuits to help build the space station. The space station is a home in orbit. People have lived in space every day since the year 2000. The space station's labs are where crew members do research. This research could not be done on Earth. Scientists study what happens to people when they live in space. NASA has learned how to keep a spacecraft working for a long time. These lessons will be important in the future. NASA has a plan to send humans deeper into space than ever before. The space station is one of the first steps. NASA will use lessons from the space station to get astronauts ready for the journey ahead.

2-      What Are the Parts of the Space Station?
The space station has many parts. The parts are called modules. The first modules had parts needed to make the space station work. Astronauts also lived in those modules. Modules called "nodes" connect parts of the station to each other. Labs on the space station let astronauts do research.
On the sides of the space station are solar arrays. These arrays collect energy from the sun. They turn sunlight into electricity. Robot arms are attached outside. The robot arms helped to build the space station. They also can move astronauts around outside and control science experiments. Airlocks on the space station are like doors. Astronauts use them to go outside on spacewalks. Docking ports are like doors, too. The ports allow visiting spacecraft to connect to the space station. New crews and visitors enter the station through the docking ports. Astronauts fly to the space station on the Russian Soyuz. The crew members use the ports to move supplies onto the station.
International Space Station Plays Role in Vaccine Development:
Tara Ruttley, Ph.D., Associate International Space Station Program Scientist (NASA)…
Have you ever been afflicted with a case of food poisoning so awful it made you stop to wonder why no one’s found a cure or sure-fire preventative for it yet? And chances are you or someone you know has experienced a bacterial staph infection so aggressive it was resistant to nearly every antibiotic used by the medical profession. The development of vaccines to different pathogens has impacted our global health in ways we could have never anticipated as recently as the early 20th century, and there are still plenty of pathogens to protect ourselves from. The evolution of vaccine development is being streamlined with the help of the microgravity environment exhibited on the International Space Station.
Researchers Timothy Hammond, Ph.D., at the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Cheryl Nickerson, Ph.D., at Arizona State University have both flown experiments, using microgravity in their search for therapeutic agents or vaccines against Salmonella bacteria. Salmonella infection is one of the most common forms of food poisoning in the U.S. Worldwide; Salmonella diarrhea remains one of the top three causes of infant mortality, so a vaccine has the potential to make dramatic improvements in health for developing countries. The space environment has been shown to induce key changes in microbial cells that are directly relevant to infectious disease, including alterations of microbial growth rates, antibiotic resistance, microbial invasion of host tissue, organism virulence (the relative ability of a microbe to cause disease) and genetic changes within the microbe. Collectively, this body of work has shown that the virulence of this organism increases in microgravity. The targets identified from each of these microgravity-induced alterations represent an opportunity to develop new and improved the rapeutics, including vaccines, as well as biological and pharmaceutical agents aimed specifically at eradicating the pathogen.
Early work that laid the foundation for the microgravity-based vaccine development studies began in 1998, when Nickerson initially was funded by NASA in an effort to understand how Salmonella bacteria would respond to a microgravity environment. This was the first of what would be multiple studies from this team on Salmonella bacteria grown in true microgravity or ground-based analogues of microgravity.

Scientific Research on ISS and Exploration:

Scientific research on ISS:
The ISS provides a platform to conduct scientific research. While small unmanned spacecraft can provide platforms for zero gravity and exposure to space, space stations offer a long term environment where studies can be performed potentially for decades, combined with ready access by human researchers over periods that exceed the capabilities of manned spacecraft.
The Station simplifies individual experiments by eliminating the need for separate rocket launches and research staff. The wide variety of research fields include astrobiology, astronomy, human research including space medicine and life sciences, physical sciences, materials science, space weather, and weather on Earth (meteorology).Scientists on Earth have access to the crew's data and can modify experiments or launch new ones, which are benefits generally unavailable on unmanned spacecraft. Crews fly expeditions of several months duration, providing approximately 160-man-hours a week of labor with a crew of 6.

The ISS provides a location in the relative safety of Low Earth Orbit to test spacecraft systems that will be required for long-duration missions to the Moon and Mars. This provides experience in operations, maintenance as well as repair and replacement activities on-orbit, which will be essential skills in operating spacecraft farther from Earth, mission risks can be reduced and the capabilities of interplanetary spacecraft advanced. Referring to the MARS-500 experiment, ESA states that "Whereas the ISS is essential for answering questions concerning the possible impact of weightlessness, radiation and other space-specific factors, aspects such as the effect of long-term isolation and confinement can be more appropriately addressed via ground-based simulations". Sergey Krasnov, the head of human space flight programs for Russia's space agency, Roscosmos, in 2011 suggested a "shorter version" of MARS-500 may be carried out on the IS

How Big and How Old Is The Space Station?
1-      How Big Is the Space Station?
Three crew members pose on the space station; the space station is as big inside as a house with five bedrooms. It has two bathrooms, a gymnasium and a big bay window. Six people are able to live there. It weighs almost a million pounds. It is big enough to cover a football field including the end zones. It has science labs from the United States, Russia, Japan and Europe.

2- How old is the space station?
The first piece of the International Space Station was launched in 1998. A Russian rocket launched that piece. After that, more pieces were added. Two years later, the station was ready for people. The first crew arrived in October 2000. People have lived on the space station ever since. Over time more pieces have been added. NASA and its partners around the world finished the space station in 2011.

European participation and the Purpose of ISS:
European participation:
ESA is responsible for two key Station elements: the European Columbus laboratory and the Automated Transfer Vehicles (ATV).The Columbus laboratory forms a substantial part of the Station's research capability. Fitted with ten interchangeable payload racks, Columbus is a multifunction laboratory that specializes in research in fluid physics, materials science and life sciences. Europe’s second biggest contribution is the Automated Transfer Vehicle, a supply ship lifted into orbit on an Ariane-5 launcher.
ATV carries up to 7 tons of cargo including provisions, scientific payloads and propellant. Once docked, the craft can use its engines to boost the Station to a higher orbit counteracting the faint drag of Earth's atmosphere.
European scientists and engineers contribute to equipment and design across much of the International Space Station. More than a third of pressurized Station elements are designed and built in Europe.
*The ISS programmer is a joint project among five participating space agencies: NASA, Roscosmos, JAXA, ESA, and CSA. The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements. The station is divided into two sections, the Russian Orbital Segment (ROS) and the United States Orbital Segment (USOS), which is shared by many nations. The ISS maintains an orbit with an altitude of between 330 km (205 mi) and 435 km (270 mi) by means of reboots manoeuvres using the engines of the Zvezda module or visiting spacecraft. It completes 15.52 orbits per day. As of January 2014, the US-portion of the ISS was funded until 2024, and may operate until 2028. The Russian Federal Space Agency, Roskosmos (RKA) has proposed using the ISS to commission modules for a new space station, called OPSEK, before the remainder of the ISS is deorbited. The Russian ISS program head, Alexey B. Krasnov, said in July 2014 that "the Ukraine crisis is why Roscosmos has received no government approval to continue the station partnership beyond 2020.

ISS is the ninth space station to be inhabited by crews, following the Soviet and later Russian Salyut, Almaz, and Mir stations, and Skylab from the US.
2- Purpose of ISS:
According to the original Memorandum of Understanding between NASA and Rosaviakosmos, the International Space Station was intended to be a laboratory, observatory and factory in low Earth orbit. It was also planned to provide transportation, maintenance, and act as a staging base for possible future missions to the Moon, Mars and asteroids. In the 2010 United States National Space Policy, the ISS was given additional roles of serving commercial, diplomatic and educational purposes.


See the International Space Station! As the third brightest object in the sky the space station is easy to see if you know when to look up.

NASA’s Spot the Station service gives you a list of upcoming sighting opportunities for thousands of locations worldwide, and will let you sign up to receive notices of opportunities in your email inbox or cell phone. The space station looks like a fast-moving plane in the sky, but it is dozens of times higher than any airplane and traveling thousands of miles an hour faster. It is bright enough that it can even be seen from the middle of a city! To learn more about the space station, its international crew, and how they live and working in space


 Critique for The Persuasive Essay "Technology Is Not A Distraction"

Technology is a primary and crucial aspect in learning. It has been always a leading edge in education. Several researches showed that the presence of technology in many classrooms had increased students’ performance and improved their learning outcomes (Kaput, Ness, & Hoyles, 2008; Stoilescu 2008). Technology takes different features in the classrooms. One feature could be the smart boards that are associated with smart pens. While another feature could be the iPods that students can use to read texts and define words. We shouldn’t also forget the laptops and the cell phones used by students inside the classrooms for the sake of education which really enhance learning. Although technology is viewed favorably by many educators who regard it as a worthy and beneficial aspect in learning however, others view it as a source of distraction rather being a benefit.

 But here in the persuasive essay “Technology is not a distraction, it’s a benefit”, a master piece of a student, the author argues about how beneficial technology can be in learning. In addition, he states that technology should be involved in classrooms since its useful and increases student’s grades. Then he added that it shouldn’t be perceived as a distraction. As we go through the essay we see that the authors` purpose is to persuade whoever is reading this essay that technology should exist in classrooms since it’s an effective and valuable aspect in learning which increases student’s motivation and achievement. Then to support his argument the writer used two articles. The First article is about Mrs. Roshan-a teacher- who took an introductory step and started integrating technology in the learning process to settle the issue of her students’ poor learning quality by uploading the lectures on iTunes. So in this way students watch and read the material at home then come to class to discuss the problems. Hence, the author concludes that using technology has given Ms. Roshan more time to work on solving problems rather than lecturing. And this as a result has resulted in an increase of students` academic achievement.

In the second article which is from Huffington post by drew Hendricks expresses the importance of having technology involved in classroom because it makes students greatly interested in learning. Then he states that technology changes students into active learners rather than passive recipient of information.
Furthermore, the writer presented one counter argument towards the end of the essay when he stated the example of Mr. Richtels` article which explains the fact that low income family students find using computers much more difficult compared to others which is something that shouldn’t be mentioned.
While presenting the counter arguments the author didn’t give attention to supporting his arguments with logical reasoning that’s why we see that some arguments have logical fallacies. For example he committed a faulty cause effect fallacy when he said that students are graduating with honors and high degrees from school because of integrating technology in classrooms which is something that isn’t essential. Maybe other factors played an important role in increasing their learning outcomes.
 Moreover, the author goes off topic several times and we can noticed the shift that he made. Also he made a hasty generalization when he generalizes his point of view based on a small sample when he said that technology will help all the students improve better as Ms. Rohan’s students did.

After analyzing this essay critically I can agree with the writer’s main claim which is the importance of starting using technology in classrooms which will improve students’ performance and achievement. In addition for us to be a modern society the use of technology should be a must since technology is an essential feature of modern society.
I can see that some terms are not well defined in the essay and some parts are still vague they need further explanation like, when he stated the point of teachers starting using technology or students started to use their cell phones.
To put in brief, the persuasive essay “Technology is Not a Distraction, It’s a Benefit” is worthy reading since the author states his own point of view of a controversial topic which is very much relevant to our modern world and he might convince us. Then the author used two articles to support his claim which is something good. However, he stated some irrelevant information which it could be made better if we eliminate them. 

              Lebanese International University              

 The Impact of Cooperative Learning in Reading  Comprehension on Grade Four Students Motivation

A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the School of Education
Learning and Instruction Department

Lara Ayoub
LIU Bekaa
January 14, 2016

This study aimed to investigate the impact of cooperative learning in reading comprehension on grade four students motivation. Hence one section of grade four was observed (28 students), and a test to measure their motivation was constructed. The observation was done in a private school in Bekaa. The results of this study showed that cooperative learning gained significant progress and the use of cooperative learning strategies in reading comprehension tasks raised and increased students’ motivation.

In my view of literature motivation has been always a major concern for educators. Motivation is a need or desire that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior toward a goal. Over the last several decades educators used cooperative learning strategies in an attempt to raise and increase students’ motivation. Furthermore cooperative learning has been defined as group of students working together to complete a common task and achieve a goal. (Kagan, 1990) regarding academic gathering, students must work in groups to complete academic tasks collectively. And this appears clearly to motivate them to improve better. Moreover Ross and Smyth (1995) depict cooperative learning as creative, intellectually demanding, open-ended, and involves higher order thinking tasks. In cooperative learning group work is more effective and efficient compared to working alone especially in reading comprehension skills and tasks. Cooperative learning has been found to be a successful teaching strategy in order to fulfill the needs of the students. In addition it has been found the teacher`s arsenals to motivate students to put much effort on the task. Brown and Ciuffetelli (2009) different researchers in the perspective of cooperative learning demonstrated extremely positive results. In schools situations cooperative learning engage students in groups and increases learning, education, knowledge, and skills. Johnson and Johnson (1989) concluded cooperative learning results in: increased higher level way of thinking, greater transfer of learning between situations, and increases student`s level of motivation. Ali Khan (2008) claims that during instructions, a child cannot be treated like an empty vessel into which type of information can be passed down. A teacher must think of ways and means of stimulating and encouraging learning in students. The teacher should provoke their interest and motivate them to learn. She/he should create conditions in which they feel the need to teach. And this condition was found by the means and the use of cooperative learning. Furthermore cooperative learning helps balance the environment of the classroom by encouraging students to work together to achieve learning goals. As Kagan (2009) point out, “we live in an interdependent world in which, somewhat paradoxically, the ability to complete depends on the ability to cooperate” (p.1.18). Cooperative learning techniques have also been shown to increase students’ motivation of the learning material, and cooperative learning methods have a positive impact on the classroom. Roger, Olsen, and Kagan (1992) narrated that, cooperative learning it’s a group learning activity and it’s so planned that learning is dependent on socially structured change of information among learners in which each learner is held for his or her own learning and is motivated to add to the others learning.
It`s hypothesized that using cooperative learning techniques in reading comprehension increases and raises student`s motivation towards the task.

Research Questions:
The following research questions were formulated and answered in the data collected and analyzed:
1-      Is there any positive impact of using cooperative learning in reading comprehension on student’s motivation?

2-      Do cooperative learning techniques or strategies used in reading comprehension raise or increases student`s motivation?

1-      Purpose:
The purpose of conducting this study is to incorporate the cooperative learning techniques in the class to see if it would help motivate students to be more interested in performing reading comprehension skills and improve better. Those outcomes if positive they would lead to increased motivation.

2-      Research Design:
This study is Quasi- observational in nature. One section of grade four students from a private school in Bekaa was observed. A motivation test was constructed by the researcher to test their motivation after applying cooperative learning strategies in a reading comprehension session.

3-      Research Instrument:
The researcher made a motivation test comprised of set of qualities and questions needed to measure student`s motivation while performing cooperative learning during reading comprehension task. (Follow appendix 1)

4-      Sample/ Participants:
This study involves grade four students enrolled in a private school in west Bekaa. They were 28 students aged 9-10 years. The researcher observed them for one session (50 minutes) and collect the data he aimed to gain. The researcher selected grade four students as his sample since he was performing his duty as an affective future English teacher, and the most sensitive age for observing student`s actions and how they react with such new learning strategies and techniques is grade four. They are students in making, they are well prepared to receive everything new, and they are the turning point in education. So it was convenient to the researcher to observe them. 

5-      Procedure:
The researcher telephoned and called the academic director of the private school in Manara- west Bekaa before the day of the observation in order to rake a permission for her to enter the school. She introduced herself to him as a teacher in making, a student at Lebanese international university majoring in TESL, and she wants his permission to observe grade four in order to collect the data she wants to write in her research methodology needed for the statistical research course she has taken, for a research topic titled as” The Impact of Cooperative Learning in Reading Comprehension on Grade Four Student`s Motivation”. The academic director agreed on, and he gave her a permission to observe. One day before the observation, and especially at night the researcher design an observation form and set of questions needed for collecting the data ( Appendix2). On the next day at 8:00 am the researcher was ready for her observation. When the researcher arrived the academic director introduced her to the grade four English teacher in order break the ice between them and to make the researcher feel comfortable in dealing with the teacher, and to cooperate and work together. The researcher waited for three hours in the teacher`s office since the students had an exam. At 11:00 am the researcher entered the classroom with the teacher and sat in the back in order to see all the students. The students entered the classroom causing very loud noises after their break. Everyone had a seat and they sat down waiting for the teacher instructions. Then the teacher told them that they are going to read a reading text and she stressed that this session going to be a reading comprehension session. Their lesson was titled as “ The Officer Buckle and Gloria”. The teacher delivered the material to her students with enthusiasm, they were supposed to skim the text in order to know the main ideas and then the students should set in groups and work on the reading comprehension activity she prepared for them. Grade four students were 28 students, so the teacher divided them into 7 heterogeneous groups, each group consists of 4 members. And each group have one high achieving student, two average achieving students and one low achieving student. In this way students can help each other so that the group will experience success. The teacher stressed and stated these skills when sitting the rules of the group work:

1.      Listen while another member is speaking
2.      Face the speaker
3.      Criticize ideas, not people
4.      Everyone should participates and stays on the task
5.      Leader respects self and others
6.      Talk politely and quietly
7.      Be sure everyone understands the answers
8.      All opinions are honored
After receiving all these instructions, students stared work on their activities in the sense of “we” instead of “me”. The time needed to complete and finish the activity was 25 minutes. Which was rewarded for additional pluses (+2) for the winner group, which answers most of the questions correctly (85%). For me as observer I saw the students sitting in groups interact with each other by sharing knowledge and discuss thing together. They were really focusing and putting much effort on the task. And this refers back to the extrinsic motivation the plus two the teacher gave to them. When the teacher told the students that they are going to work in groups to perform the reading comprehension activity, they were so excited, they started to look for their partners in the group. Such kind of teaching strategies, what is meant by cooperative learning raises student`s motivation towards the task. In addition this sustains and directs their behavior and this is really what happened for the grade four students I were observing them. There was that sense of challenge, they were competing each other who will win the +2. Hence the majority of the students were motivated extrinsically.
After 25 minutes all the groups accomplished the task, and they were all prepared for a perfect classroom discussion and so was done. There was a perfect classroom discussion between all the groups and the teacher. After checking each group`s answers, two groups won the competition and gained the additional pluses. They were the diamonds group and the superheroes group. Then the bell rang and the session ended at 11:50 am, I thanked the teacher and the academic director in advanced for giving me the chance to observe in their education field. I collected all the data I’m concerned in, and I told the teacher that I`m honored by this visit and I returned back to home with all the data I want to analyze and interpret to come up with a fruitful results for my research.

6-      Discussion and Results:
The purpose of the Quasi- observational study was to examine the effect of using cooperative  learning in reading comprehension on grade four student`s motivation. Quantitative data were collected during an observation which was done in a private school in west Bekaa area. In addition to the use of motivation test. The dependent variable was motivation and the independent variable was cooperative learning. The main findings of this study showed that the use of cooperative learning in reading comprehension really does have a positive impact on student`s motivation.

7-      Conclusion:
The use of cooperative learning in the classroom improved and increased students motivation, students were more positive in their responses to the motivation and this was clearly noticed when I measured their motivation level by the use of motivation test with different categories. Cooperative learning seems to have had the greatest effect on students who made the largest gain of their motivation. Not only did their motivation improve, but also the students had fun during this activity. Students were actively engaged in the learning process, communicating with each other and working as team. And if cooperative learning in class allows them to see that learning is fun and increased their motivation so it`s worth using.

Johnson, D. W. & Johnson R. T. (1999). Learning Together and Alone: Cooperative, Competitive, and Individualistic Learning (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon
Kagan S (1990). The structural approach to cooperative learning. Educational Leadership, 47(4), 12-15.

Brown H & Ciuffetelli D C (2009). Foundational methods: Understanding teaching and learning. Toronto: Pearson Education
Sapon-Shevin M (1994). Cooperative learning and middle schools: What would it take to really do it right? Theory into Practice, 33, 183-190.
Schul J E (2011). Revisiting and old friend: The practice and promise of cooperative learning for the twenty-first century. The Social Studies, 102, 88-93.
Slavin R E (1990). Cooperative learning. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Slavin R E (1991). Synthesis of research on cooperative learning. Educational Leadership, 48, 71-82.

Appendix 1:
I used four factors of motivation into designing my scales in the questionnaire:
- Self-Efficacy:
Students believe in their own ability to perform well in reading comprehension skills.
-Performance Goal:
The student`s goals in reading comprehension class are to compete with each other to win the additional pluses in which this is called extrinsic motivation

-Achievement Goal:
Students feel satisfaction as they increase their competence during reading comprehension task
-Learning environment stimulation:
In the class learning environment surrounding influenced student`s motivation in reading comprehension task.

Appendix 2:
Classroom Observation Form:
Observer: Lara Ayoub, a student at LIU.
Class Observed: Grade 4
Date and Time of the class: 9/1/2016    …..    11:00 am à 11:50 am
To be completed by the class member being observed:
1.      The goal or outcome I have in my mind when observing students in classroom:
My goal is to see if the use of cooperative learning strategies do affect student`s motivation. If it increases their motivation or not.

2.      During this class session I would like the observer to pay particular attention to, and give me feedback on the following:
a- how students interact in their groups  
 b-Is  there any dominant student in the group or anyone that works alone
c- How the students divided the work in the groups
d- Did students complete the task on time.

From Oppression Comes Light

Depression is oppression.
It's a deadly hidden message
Defined by self-hate.
It seals its prisoner's fate.
It holds you captive and throws out the key.
It stabs and jabs just to see you bleed,
Inflicting wounds that scar for life.
Destruction is its mother and death its wife.

You can cry, but it will always ignore your screams.
It terrorizes your soul and haunts your dreams.
It sends you false hope through a bottle or pill.
It destroys your goals and inflicts its will.
You can't run, nor can you hide.
By its rules you will abide
Until it celebrates that you have died.
Open your eyes, or you will be its prey.
It will blur your vision in the most twisted way.
It will seek your destruction and call for your head.
You will lie and wait but never rest in your bed.

Peace will come to those who want peace,
But as long as you feed him, you will see the beast.
You can't run, nor can you hide,
But if you conquer the beast, you will survive.
Prayer and hope can lead the way.
Cling on to every word you pray.
Hope is in truth.
Hate is in lies.
Pray for your soul and open your eyes.
© Erik Whitehead

     I.            Introduction:
Instructional strategies are the teacher`s arsenals. They are the weapons teachers use to tackle problems they face with their students. They use those important strategies to set goals to their students, to plan what they are going to teach them, since every teacher needs planning and objectives before she/he decides how to explain such a lesson. Instructional strategies includes instructional objectives, the backward design which usually refers back to WHERETO. Why, what and where? , hook and hold (the warm up), explore and experience (equipment with skills), rethink-rehearse-refine-revise.  In addition to evaluate, and then tailor which means no student is left behind fit each student. And finally organize, organize how you are going to put the activities in order. Instructional strategies follow two direction: teacher oriented, and learner oriented.
Teacher oriented: here the teacher is the main player in the process, she makes all the decisions and does most of the actions and the choices in the class. This means that the teacher is in control of everything in the class, she`s the main character, she has all the knowledge and she`s going to deliver it to them properly.
Learner oriented: here the learners are the ones who make the decisions, took the choices, and make the action. The teacher here is a facilitator, help them perform, improve, make decisions, and took the right choices. She/he trains them, teacher is the coach here.

     II.            Strategies for Increasing Student`s Motivation: (Adapted from teaching at Its Best, Nilson, 2010)
Here are some strategies teachers use to boost their student`s motivation:
First of all, your personality as a teacher affects the motivation of your students. So in order to increase their motivation you should present the topic or the material you want to convey to them with enormous energy. And in your own way you should grape their attention in order to make sure that they will not lose interest of the topic.
Then make sure that you tell your students why you are interested in the topic you are explaining to them, and relate the reasons of interest to your student`s concern.
Try to be close enough to your students to know them more and more. Be friendly with them, show them that you care, and respect their opinions so this will motivates them to improve and achieve better, they will trust you and never fail you.
Also you may put clear and affective rules for communication between you and your students, so this will facilitates the way you communicate with them and helps them know their duties and responsibilities.
As a teacher you are the role model of your students that the try to be like. So you shouldn’t be always strict in the way you deal with them, sometimes you need to be funny and add humorous spirit to the lecture. This will make your students feel relaxed and secure for you because you are giving them the chance to be close to you and feel comfortable to act with you freely.
In order to earn your student`s respect you must make sure that you have already maintain classroom rules and order, and this will make the environment in your classroom turns in to positive environment.
Second, the valuable course you are teaching to your students has an importance and great impact on how you motivate students:
Try always as a teacher to deliver the information the course acquire with a lot of interest to your students. Try to make something new every single session to grape your student`s attention, use variety of activities, design and develop your course with care, and be logical in the way you explain and give them the information. 
Let students participate in exploring and determining the course content, solving assignments they are given, and be active participants in the way they conduct rules they use in their classroom.
Provide for your students hands on- heads on activities and let them practice and explore with their own, using their hands. And specify for them the occupational potential that is included in the course.
Third, as a teacher your teaching and the way you teach and explain with has a huge impact on your student’s motivation:
While you are teaching students such a course tell them why you are using such teaching methodologies, why you have chosen those strategies for teaching, and why you make for them different activities and gave them assignments to do by their own. Stay clear and honest to your students, don’t give them rules and instructions in a formal way, and using mysterious words. Tell them each point of a concept to easily understandable and clear for them.
Tell students that they are able and allowed to transfer skills from courses they had already taken, help them to make connections between what they take now and what they had already took. Tell your students always that the information they took is valuable and needed in other courses as it needed in this course and not we are studying it because the course acquired it.
Help students regularly make connections of what they are studying and relate it to what they studied. Make sure that you help them connecting the material they study to future goals and achievements, and make connections based on real life events.
Use different types of examples in order to make sure that students understand the idea you want to convey to them clearly.
Use inquiry learning when the chance allows that. The need to ask always and solve problems.
Use various teaching methods and techniques, allow classroom dialogue, debates and discussions. Use role playing strategies and academic games and many other beneficial and motivational activities.
Use discovery learning in teaching students, they should think-pair- and share. Teach them all the materials acquired in all its styles: reading, writing, and listening, then make sure they think carefully for the material which is delivered to them.
Try always as a perfect teacher to use cooperative learning style in teaching, working in groups which is a beneficial technique to motivate students to work hard and put all their efforts together to come up with awesome work that may surprises teachers sometimes about their abilities in working.
Teacher`s attributions and expectations are most important factor in motivation since they affect students abilities to improve and give. Expect your students always as high achievers and they will never fail you, they will improve and develop better than you can imagine. Show them care and respect and their efforts is always paid and they will trust you and improve better to make you satisfied with what they had done.
 And then we come to assignments and test:
Spread the idea that all students are able to improve and practice with different abilities between students.
Try hard to make your students satisfied with their final grade, don’t limits their grade with one assignment or test. Always make different assignments or tests in order to improve their grades.
Arrange learning and assessments following an order to foster student`s success.
Give students sample tests to practice on.
Give students review sheets that includes a summary for that most important points the concept possess and tell them to concentrate on them because they are similar to the exam`s structure.
Prepare your students well to deal with the task, and focus your tests and assignments on conceptual knowledge and their abilities to do them.
Make for your students challenging tasks to give them the experience of hard working so they can improve better.
Assign students authentic activities, activities that are based on real life events, those activities give students practice for their future.
Give students assignments that reflect to you as a teacher to know their progress.
Evaluate student`s work and focus on the performance of the students and not their personality. Don’t give students the evaluation in a form of criticism, present your perspective as an expert and redirect them to the right direction.
Put a lot of concentration and effort on test and grades.
Let students evaluate their selves and their work.
Work hard to reduce the stress against exams that students always fall in.
Give students extrinsic that motivates them to improve better, give them extra points when they finish their assignments early.
And here we have Equity in the classroom:
Create an appropriate atmosphere which is suitable for suggesting a wide range of decisions, debates, and discussions.
Give students attention and don’t discriminate between students.
Speak gender- neutral language in class.
Be sensitive to your students because most of the time they will not understand you.

Different Teaching Styles and How They Affect Your Students: (February 25, 2014 by Natasha Quinonez):
Every teacher has its own way in teaching and it’s impossible for two teachers to teach in the same way, the same as it`s impossible for two students to think and learn in a similar way. The teacher teaching style depends on educational philosophy and the subject area they teach in, in addition to classroom`s demographic.  Teaching theories follow two direction: teacher-centered and student-centered.
Teacher-Centered Approach:
Here the teacher is the main player in the process, she makes all the decisions and does most of the actions and the choices in the class. Students here learn through lectures and direct instructions. Teacher`s role in this approach is to deliver the material she/he wants to convey to their students, since she`s the one who has all the knowledge needed for students to learn.

Direct Instruction:
The traditional way of teaching depends on direct instructions. It`s expected to be repeated and repeated until they understand and master the concept. In which direct instructions includes lectures, textbooks, and teacher-led demonstrations. This means that teacher is the role model and she`s responsible for the information needed for students to succeed.
Formal Authority:
Those kinds of teachers are the leaders for their students. They have a high level of knowledge more than their students. And they use traditional methods in managing rules and expectations inside classroom.
The teacher in this model are special since they are expected to have high experience and know everything that is going on inside the class. They are the coaches that directs and guide their students to the right direction. Students here are designed to receive knowledge from their leaders (teachers).
Personal Model:
In this model teachers try to make everything in front of their students and they start to copy and do the same as they did. Teachers here lead everything by example. So students learn by watching and copying from their teachers.
  Student-Centered Approach:
Here the learners are the ones who make the decisions, took the choices, and make the action. The teacher here is a facilitator, help them perform, improve, make decisions, and took the right choices. So the teacher here advice and direct them to the appropriate way she finds suitable for them. Assessment involves informal and formal methods – tests, group projects, portfolios, and class participation.
Inquiry-Based Learning:
This type of learning encourages students to explore by their own and be active participants in the class. The teacher is not a dictator in the class, she`s a trainer and the one who directs and guide students to reach their goals. She advices and supports their efforts always.
Teacher using this model will work with open classroom model. They will concentrate on the relationships they used to join students in the learning process. So the teacher here encourages students to be more independent, and involve more hands on learning.
 Personal Model:
This model is so close to the personal model in the direct instructions, in this model students learn, explore, and experiment by their own to come up with new ideas. By this way students can learn that making mistakes is part of the learning process.
the teacher here encourages autonomy in students in the learning process. She explains to them, give them the resources needed, so students will ask questions and check in progress what is needed.
Cooperative Learning:
The idea of teaching such a type of learning is working with groups, students put all their efforts to come up with valuable results when they work in groups. Using such a type of learning stand behind teaching students interacting with their peers.
One Last Note:
Your teaching style is something that shows who you are, something about you. And it is based on your values towards philosophy and education.

  IV.            Conclusion: 
Instructional strategies are very helpful and important for teachers, since they help them know how they must deal effectively with their student, how they must explain, guide, and direct students to reach the goals they set for them.
The article ( Different Teaching Styles and How They Affect Your Students) is so affective and beneficial for teachers, since it guides them towards the way they must deal with students in the classroom.

   V.            References:
Strategies for Increasing Student Motivation: (Adapted from teaching at Its Best, Nilson, 2010)

Different Teaching Styles and How They Affect Your Students: (February 25, 2014 by Natasha Quinonez):



                     Educational Philosophy Project

Some people may wonder “is education that much important to us?”. The answer will be absolutely yes. Education is very essential and important to all human kinds even if not everyone realize and notice its importance. Education is a fundamental aspect in developing and enhancing the social life. Can you imagine a world with no educated people? Can you envisage a world where no one can read or write? What if our leaders were illiterate, how can they lead and protect us? Hence, living in a world like this- where education is nonexistent- would be impossible. Thus, this proves that people need access to education no matter who they are or what they are planning to do in their life time. Once they gain access to education, they will definitely open the golden doors of success and reach their ultimate supreme goals which in return will influence the enhancement and development of the society.

According to me, education is the milestone of a successful life. Without education, I wouldn`t be able to find a good job and support myself and be independent. Without education, I wouldn`t be able to pursue my dreams and achieve my goals. Without education, I wouldn`t be able to teach, educate, make change, and touch the future. Without education, I wouldn`t become a teacher. Therefore, education is the key to open the golden doors of success, to change the world and make change. Education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world.
In my perspective and point of view, education has a powerful and supreme role. It`s rule underlies the importance of providing a bunch of knowledge which will enlighten our path in the educational journey. This knowledge will support us with effective, diverse, and beneficial strategies and methods that might come in handy while teaching. Accordingly, being open to different methods and techniques will facilitate our career and provide us with choices that tap on the concept “variety” which is very essential in teaching. With variety we involve, include and reach all students from all learning backgrounds and from all different  learning styles and in this way our choices and techniques will be wider and richer. Thus, our practices would be meaningful and genuine too.

Varied learning and diverse practices are very needed and essential in education. Additionally, being open to different philosophies will enhance and reinforce our practices and approaches since students are not allowed to be vexed by boring activities and climate throughout their educational journey. Thus, if the role of education is preserve the cultural traditions and maintain the social norms then why we are studying these philosophies if we are not going to advocate and apply its principals in our real classes.

But, I strongly believe in genuine application. If learning isn`t applicable therefore it`s worthless. Education is found to trigger thinking. When we think, we are able to differentiate between the right and the wrong, we are able to view situations and events in a wider perspective, we are able to eclectic in taking bits and pieces from here and there and come up with a refined philosophy which suits our beliefs and needs (teacher`s and students` needs). I would stand for my beliefs but I would like to try new things and be open to other cultures otherwise education will stay static and won`t be dynamic anymore. As a result of the fact that education is meant to be static and maintain the social norms, students in our classes won`t be motivated to learn and explore new things in learning because nothing new is entering to the curriculum and their classes too.

In this domain, the Eastern philosophy communicates the fact that philosophy and religion are intertwined and can`t be separated. Supporters of this philosophy don`t encourage change and believe in it. They think that change will affect their beliefs and religion negatively. However, the Western philosophy is totally different from the Eastern one. This philosophy encourages change and the history witnesses this for example:  the incident of the Industrial revolution.

To start up, Robin Mason (1998) argues that, while earlier forms of educational trade may have undermined local initiatives and perpetuated a cycle of dependency, the Internet facilitates, ‘not so much an exporting as a re-engineering of the educational paradigm to include people from many countries, studying materials designed for a multicultural audience, using technologies which facilitate cross-cultural communications’ (p.45). This proves that the entrance of technology to education made a huge leap in which it facilitates the communication between various and variety of students from different cultures. Thus, technology opened the door of communication and through this communication an integration of social norms between different cultures will pop out. For example, students can advocate some traditions from an Indian student while communicating with him as well as from an Australian one. Therefore, education in this course is a source of change.

 Lin, 2008 states that students of the western education philosophy seem to be active learners in education in which their classes are meant to be students- centered and not teacher-centered.  Students in these classes are encouraged to voice their opinions and share their answers with the class. They are valuable contributors to the social group that they belong to. When students share their different opinions and answers they can learn from each other. And off course, students share different answers and from these answers they learn different things from each other. Some will stick to their norms and won`t be convinced with others point of view while others might be strongly convinced and can alter their traditions and norms. This might cause a change in social life.

People in the West believe that the best education is mean to form the society to become a cultural nation in regard of their education and education aim, where the children will be open minded and tend to give ideas (Kruger, et. al, 1990). So, when students are given the opportunity to voice their opinions and express ideas, they will generate ideas that are beyond our perspectives and they won`t stick and hold tightly to their cultural norms however, they tend to be creative by being open to several cultures and in this way, they will be open minded individuals.

The teaching methodology in Islam is basically based on traditional approaches, which is by lecture, dictation and memorizing facts Islam also emphasizes on debating as a technique to discover and enhance the understanding of a particular knowledge, as long as it is not opposition with Muslims’ faith. (Asma Afsaruddin, 2001). This obviously illustrates the fact that religion and education are intertwined together and couldn`t be separated anymore in addition, despite the fact that Islamic approaches in Eastern philosophy allow students to share their opinions through debates however, their opinions are limited with specific limitations. Thus, education is limited with certain boundaries and limitations that would prevent the nation from making change.

Al-Ghazali's view about the society contradicts the view of the western philosophy about society in which al-Ghazali's states that evil is outbalanced in the society and the solution is not in living the life of the society but in shunning the society. Thus, by shunning no learning will take place since learning doesn`t exist in isolation and here no change in the society will occur.

On the contrary, Buddha was known for his diverse and change in which he established and developed different schools of traditions. These schools serve different experiences from different cultures since he believes in being open to other cultures and learn from them. Just by being open to different cultures, you will learn new concepts, traditions, ideas, habits and lifestyles which will be definitely tap on the concept “social change”.
Moreover, "Buddhism arose in India as a spiritual force against social injustices, against degrading superstitious rites, ceremonies and sacrifices; it denounced the tyranny of the caste system and advocated the equality of all men; it emancipated woman and gave her complete spiritual freedom." (Rahula, 1978). Hence, it’s very clear here that Buddha was concerned in making change in the society and interested in creation of social conditions that meet his values.

Buddha is a guide of social transformation of individual experiences. He thinks that human kind are derived from the nature and they need to work in progress on their selves to change and transform as they progress. That`s why and according to him, he states that the individual needs to experience life by himself and learn from these experiences. As he is able to differentiate and take a decision, he is able now to alter and resort to change.

Buddha believes that the key is in our hands and it`s open to us. He thinks that if we take the decision of extending our daily life activities to include more social activities that we can learn more from it would be better for us. And in this way, we will have more chances to practice social actions.  “You won`t change our life until you change something you do daily” unknown.

To put in brief, “change is difficult but not changing is fatal” William Pollard.
So, despite the fact that change is very difficult however, not changing and sticking to daily life activities, routines, ideas and beliefs is very dangerous. The better you observe, advocate, reflect and learn the better person you are.
This applies mostly in education where you need to dynamic and keep developing so students won`t be vexed and stuck in boring topics anymore.    


Rudolf Dreikurs Model:
Just by reading the name of the model, you will definitely ask yourself who is Rudolf Dreikurs and what  his is model about.
 An Overview about Rudolf Dreikurs:
Rudolf Dreikurs is an Austrian psychiatrist and a teacher in educational practices too. He was born in Chicago on February 8th 1897. Dreikurs was a close colleague and student to the psychologist Alfred Adler. By time, Dr. Dreikurs developed Alfred Adler`s system and transformed it into a method of dealing with the underlying causes of misbehaviors.

Rudolph Dreikurs suggested the fact that students don`t tend to misbehave in classes just for the goal of misbehaving and annoying the teacher. However, student’s misbehavior is a result of not having one`s basic need of belonging to, and contributing to, a social group met.
According to Dreikurs, one of the underlying assumptions of the model is that all students desire and need social recognition. When this need is not fulfilled, students exhibit a hierarchy of misbehaviors based on what Dreikurs refers to as “mistaken goals” (Dreikurs, Grunwald, and Pepper 1998,13).

Hence, Dreikurs in his model deals with the underlying causes of misbehavior. He explains that students misbehave because they feel that they don`t belong to a certain group and their needs are not met when contributing with this group.
Thus, these misbehaviors result with four components that makeup Dreikurs Model which are:
·          Seeking attention
·          Gaining power
·          Seeking revenge
·         Avoidance
Dreikurs`s overall goal is helping students feel that they are valuable contributors in the social group and able to cooperate with others without being penalized or rewarded.  Through his model, Dreikurs stresses out the importance of helping students acquire self-discipline based on an understanding of social values. 
According to Dreikurs, the teacher`s role is to help students acquire self-discipline through a connection to a social value in the class. This can be obviously shown through several strategies for example:  
Ø  Classroom rules can be formed jointly by both the teacher and the students.
Ø  Logical consequences are established when violation and compliance situations pop out.
i.e. you break it -----à you fix it; in this way, students are held accountable and responsible for their actions.
Ø  Students decide on how the class functions. They agree on different signals for interaction and cooperation. For example, raise your finger to answer.
Ø  All students work cooperatively with each other and with the teacher too. this means that both students` and teachers` efforts are needed and appreciated.
Ø  The teacher guides the shared decisions between students. Therefore, she gives students choices but she limits these choices with options. (a close- ended one)
Ø  The class should be neither autocratic nor permissive. It should be balanced between teacher`s and student’s decisions
Ø    The teacher needs to reinforce the rules and their logical consequences consistently.

Students resort to one of the Four Misbehavior Goals:
                                  Attention, Power, Revenge, and Avoidance
1.) Misbehaving students desire attention – if no attention is received, then they desire power.
        2.) If power push is hindered, then they seek revenge.
3.) No Revenge, means no power or attention. The student will withdraw from activities which definitely leads to avoidance.   
          So, the teacher in these cases should:
v  Identify the mistaken behavior
v  Provide explanation of the mistaken goal or misbehavior and establish a logical consequence for the misbehavior.
v  Avoid being immersed in winning situations and avoid power struggles with students. Create a democratic teaching environment.
v  Encourage and support students` effort even minimal efforts.

 Also, the teacher can communicate discipline through different tasks:
1.      Communicating Expectations: asking herself/himself am I clear? – do I have conviction? – do students know? …
2.      Use of Back-up consequences: logical and varied consequences
3.      Establishing foundations of:
a.      Management: - Attention
-          Momentum
-          Space
-          Time
b.      Relationships: Establishing good interpersonal relationships building
c.       Instruction: - Clarity
-          Learning experiences  

The teacher must recognize students’ inner goal and then help the students change to the more appropriate goal of learning how to belong with others (Wolfgang, 2001, p. 115).

Moreover, attention takes several patterns and ways. It can be destructive and constructive also.  The child can be a model child or the teacher`s pet. He will progress to grab the teacher`s and fellow’s attention too either by asking lots of questions -not for the purpose of receiving answers- or by showing off and turning out to be the clown of the class. The teacher can redirect appropriate behavior so the child can get attention in an appropriate pattern.

Albert (1996) states, "Young people don't lose their temper; they use it" (p. 4l). This basically reflects the fact that people in their nature try to gain power over each other and this absolutely can be applied to our students too. Some students in our classes tend to exert and gain power over others. When these situations are exhibited by students, the teacher shouldn`t engage in power struggles with students even if she/he feels threatened or frightened.

 Furthermore, when a student is exposed to a set of series discouragements revenge seeking pops in. In this case, the student decides to seek attention and gain power through revenge which will make up the lack of belonging to the group.

In most classrooms, we examine students that are somehow isolated from the rest of the class. These students seem that they chose avoidance rather than interaction and cooperation with the other members of the social group. This avoidance could be a result of repetitive failure. Accordingly, the teacher can rejoin and reunite these students with the rest of the class by designing activities which allow students to experience success.

In his model, Dreikurs capitalized on the importance of encouragement. He said that the essence of encouragement is to boost child`s self- confidence in himself and convey to him that he is good enough.
Thus, the magic and the keyword here is Encouragement.
      And teachers here need to:
l  Avoid discouragement.
l  Work for improvement, not perfection.
l  Comment on effort rather than results.
l  Separate the deed from the doer. i.e. comment or complement the work not the doer.
l  Build on strength, not on weaknesses.
l  Show your faith in the child.
l  Mistakes should not be viewed as failures/ mistakes are always tolerated and from our mistakes we learn.  
l  Integrate the child into the group.
l  Praise is not the same as encouragement.
l  Help the child develop the courage to be imperfect. (Dreikurs, 1972, pp. 49-59)

Examples on Establishing Logical Consequences:
Every act has a consequence, and if we are to avoid unpleasant results of our acts we must then behave in a way which will help to guarantee more favorable results (Dreikurs, 1968, p. 62).

Instead of resorting to punishment or reward to reinforce or withhold negative and positive behaviors, here comes the importance of implementing the logical consequence which can be used to modify mistaken goals and behaviors.
The following are some logical consequences:
Logical Consequence
Student writes on the school wall                                            
student is asked to clean the wall
Student hits his friend
Student writes an apology letter to his friend
Student swings with chair
Student is asked to sit on the floor
Student knocks over a tray of food carried by another student
Student helps clean it up and may bring the other student new food
A student is a part of a conflict
The student is involved to participate in another conflict resolution process.


1 comment:

  1. One of the most important issues of classroom dynamics! You are right as new teachers we always think that classroom management is all about how to keep our classroom deadly silent, overwhelm learners with classroom rules and oblige them to follow those rules, show them our authority and so on. In reality, based on my experience I found it totally different. Building good relationships with learners "interpersonal relationships" helps us get rid of any discipline problems and will make the learning environment an involving one.
