Reflection on Educational Technology

OK well, according to me webinars are very useful for us as teachers since they provide us with information that enlighten our practices and may help us find new methodologies and techniques in  dealing with students regarding behaviors, academic achievement ,social skills and management.

Regarding google docs, actually they are very helpful since they save our work without worrying if our work is going to  be lost. additionally, it helps us communicate with people and professionals easily and get feedback about our work quickly.

Google forms:
its very handy since it stores our files in a secure way and we can access them whenever we want as long as we have access to the internet. Moreover it helps us make changes and edit our files regularly. also it helps us share our files and documents with our friends easily. furthermore, it can open a discussion by posting comments and getting feedback.  

a padlet is a large scale or a wall in which one can construct, post and share ideas about a certain topic with others. It contributes in helping students work within groups and keeping them  updated and in touch with the  frequent ideas posted by their friends. Additionally, it enhances collaboration and cooperation between students.

Google Drive:  
google drive serves us lots of benefits. Its a free data storage service that allows us to store lots of files. it helps us back up important files and sometimes precious moments. we can access different kinds of documents through google drive and we can share these documents with friends and contacts.

A very handy program and it represents how technology is integrated in educations. through ativinspire students will enjoy learning by pressing on keys and moving icons. They will figure out that learning through technology is very enjoyable and beneficial. 

A large scale to share ideas and thoughts. Through blogging my writing and technical  skills are sharpened. I established a community online. I shared lots of ideas with my friends and got to know more about recent topics in education.  

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