Educate …...
Touch the future!
It`s obviously known that as teachers in making or in other
words future teachers, each one of us should have a certain philosophy in
teaching and in education in general. As a third year TEFL student who has
taken several courses that are related to the affective, cognitive and
linguistic aspects of students, I can tell that I am now capable of compiling
all the knowledge that I have learned throughout my educational journey to form
my own philosophy in education.
I have always dreamed about the day where I will be standing
in front of my pupils, looking at their eyes and trying to figure out each
ones` personality. But before that, I surely need to set different goals for my
future classroom.
To start up, my ultimate supreme goal which I will be
implementing in my future classroom is teaching students to set long term goals
in education. I want to teach the value of education I want them to know that
learning is not about gaining high grades and passing the courses it`s also
about seeking knowledge and being knowledgeable about new things and cultures. “there is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty
like ignorance” Ali ibn Abi Talib.
I want them to be aware of the importance of
education and I want them to value education as well since it`s the soul of the
society. For example, I will tell them that learning English is not all about
knowing the basics of the English language in order to pass the exam, it`s
about valuing English for the sake of communication or English will help you in
your future career or in your college life. It will open many opportunities to you,
it will give you a bonus in your academic and work life… In this way students
will have wide vision towards English and education in general.
They will
notice that knowing the concept is pretty beneficial and joyful rather than
caring only about grades. I can’t deny the importance of grades since they are
one major factor in assessment but I would like them to know that it`s not all
about grade, grades are only numbers that we ourselves can control with them.
Furthermore, I want to challenge my students and watch them
develop, grow to full potentials and discover new things. I want to reach all
my students. I will take into consideration students` different learning styles
and techniques and based on them I will design activities and set my lesson
plan. For example, I will design activities that target visuals learners as
well as auditory and kinesthetic. Sometimes my application for the lesson will take
place in group work form, pair work or individual work so students feel that
all their needs are satisfied and met. In addition, they feel that they belong
to the class in one way or another since all their needs are presented in this
productive atmosphere.
Moreover, in my classroom I want students to have freedom
which in return enhances creativity. Students in this way will express
themselves freely without feeling that they are bounded by boundaries and this
definitely allows me to figure out students` thoughts and personality. Also,
this gives students sense of confidence, power and appreciation.
I believe that the key to success in my future classroom is
cooperation and collaboration. This cooperation should be from both sides. From
the teacher and the students. cooperation and collaboration always lead to
success. Students will learn that if they interact and cooperate with others they
will easily reach their supreme goals and will save time as well. In addition,
if they cooperate with their teacher too they will better learn, clarify ideas,
and got to the point easily.
This shows students that despite the fact of the teacher is
the source of input in classrooms but without students` cooperation, efforts
and interaction with her no learning process will take place. Increasingly, my
job here is to plan activities that require students to works in pairs or in
groups. In this way, they will build friendly relationships between each other
and they will know more about each other’s interest and personal background. At
this point my job is to encourage students to avoid criticism and I should
avoid criticism in return too. My real focus should be on the behavior not on
the student himself. I need to cooperate with students to foster their autonomy
and try to help them to take responsibilities over their actions.
In addition, I have been always a fan of reciprocal classes
and students centered classes. That’s why my future classroom will be students
centered class. I want student to be the center of the class where they took
the initiation to create, produce, and express their thoughts, feelings and
engage in the learning process. I want them to be a major part in delivering
knowledge and demonstrating the lesson. Sometimes I will go for switching turns
between students and the teacher where they have to take the role of the
teacher in explaining and giving directions and guidance.
I`m a strong believer that this mobile body of knowledge that
is called “Teacher” should be a teacher and a counselor at the same time in the
classroom. I see myself as a future teacher, teaching and counseling at the
same time. Actually, students` affective aspect is my priority. And since counselors are the body of
knowledge, the source of input, the code of ethics and the key for many closed
doors moreover, they are viewed as salvation for students in which they relief
their lives I encourage being a counselor too in my classroom.
Furthermore, one of my goals is to advocate and adopt supportive
strategies and feedback in addition to a corrective one in some situations. In my
classroom, I prefer to support and scaffold students rather than stopping at
each and every mistake they made and correct for them. I need to know when, how
and for whom should I correct. Repetitive correction will demotivate students
as well as lessen their self-confidence and self-efficacy.
Moreover, making
errors and being mistaken in different situations and especially in the
language domain, is very natural thing in the world and it`s distinctly
connected to humans` being nature. Learners make errors in both written and
oral situations. As children learn and acquire their second language they make
systematic errors. Teachers often consider the errors in the language as a sign
of inadequacy and often marked as something negative or in other words it shows
the weakness of the learner in the language.
On the other hand, making errors
is considered a natural result of the fact that no one can learn or acquire a
language without making any errors. So,
in my future class I will acknowledge the reality of making errors and try to
implement different strategies that will come in handy in dealing with it. I
will be able to figure out that these errors show that students are developing
and they are learning too.
Teaching is a harsh,
frustrating and challenging career. However, it`s joyful, fruitful and
enjoyable at the same time since we are dealing with minds. I strongly believe
that students are eligible and capable to learn if they have the sufficient
guidance and motivation from their teacher. So as a matter of fact, and towards
talking about my greatest concern in education, me as a future teacher consider
motivation as a primary crucial and aspect in my future classroom. There are
three things to remember about education. The first is motivation. The second
one is motivation. The third one is motivation. (former U.S. Secretary of
Education Terrel Bell).
I should know my
students` interest and what motivates them. And consequently I will do my best
to motivate them extrinsically and intrinsically. Since when students are
motivated, they learn better, put much effort on the task and achieve high
outcomes. Also, motivation and reinforcement for repetitive positive behaviors
are needed in every classroom since they help students shape their personality
and ego positively in addition, this helps them develop a high self- confidence
and esteem.
Additionally, and to capitalize on the importance of
motivation in education I want to mention that students come to schools
intrinsically motivated. They have this strong desire to learn and discover new
things throughout their academic journey. They come to us with high self-esteem
and high expectations about learning and education in general. But
unfortunately, teachers, school system and school curriculum sometimes play an
important and major role in demotivating and frustrating students. So, this
lack of motivation, affects our students and appears to increase each year from
cycle one to high school. Students can demonstrate and show this lack of
motivation and encouragement by blocking and withholding efforts in the
educational field as well as in some extracurricular activities or mind games
and competitions.
Therefore, as a future teacher I need to create, provide and
inspire the conditions and keys for the growth of motivation in our students.
So as a result of this, in the near future I will implement different strategies,
techniques and activities that underlie the play concept in my future class.
Just to shed the light on the importance of play in students` cognitive,
social, physical and emotional optimal development. Through play students can
learn, solve problems and interact with others as well. I will offer sufficient
and appropriate amount of play in playground and in class i.e. during lesson
time that can be enjoyable and funny too. I will resort to gamification in
teaching in which I will include games in my lesson plan that will engage
students and tap on their interest. increasingly and in this way, students will
realize that school is dynamic, fun, beneficial and a place to learn too. They
will feel attached to the class and they will be motivated to come to school.
In addition, classroom organization and environment is my
greatest and major concern. I want to create a safe and easy going learning
environment in my classroom. If students don`t feel safe emotionally, mentally
or physically in classroom this will greatly decrease their willingness to
learn. Also, I want to create a language rich environment in which I like to
have a unique and spectacular design for my classroom where there is a wide
exposure of language. I want to design my classroom with colorful and bright
cardboards, sight words and bulletin boards.
“It took a while for me to figure out that classroom management was really a relationship building skill”. Jeremey Wilder
Classroom management skills gradually come after being
knowledgeable enough in whatever major you are enrolled in. As second language
teachers, being good language teachers comes first then good managers who
advocate valuable effective classroom skills comes second. Effective learning
won`t surely take place in a poorly managed class with lots of noises and
disruptive behaviors. That`s why my ultimate supreme goal is to establish clear
classroom rules, routines and expectations that contribute in maintaining a
calm and peaceful atmosphere that help in developing productive and catchy
learning environment.
: in my future noble career which is teaching and building
future leaders I will be using the classroom theories that I had learned so far
in the course as the foundation of establishing rules and routines for my
classroom. Additionally, I will be eclectic and unique in taking bits and
pieces from here and there to build my own theory regarding the classroom
management domain.
Initially, I want to highlight the importance of setting
clear routines for my classroom from the very beginning of the year so students
will follow certain specified rules that help us in learning and decreasing the
noises and the troubles that might hinder learning in one way or another.
In advocating the assertive discipline theory in my future
classroom, I will be the assertive type of teachers. The kind of teacher that
we all want to be; a positive supportive teacher who builds trust with her
pupils and practices desired behaviors in front of them. The one who encourages
and motivates students in which she shows teaching and learning thrive. This
type of teacher that confidently models routines and expectations allows
students to figure out their misbehavior and helps them identify it`s
consequences. In this way I`ll be providing a peaceful and meaningful
environment for productive learning.
Moreover, I will acknowledge the hierarchy
of discipline in which I will take into consideration that there are five steps
or consequences that should be done for dealing with a misbehavior.
In my job as future teacher, dignity comes first. I will
establish and maintain a sense of dignity and hope in my class and I will help
students be responsible by generating a set of clear expectations. In addition,
I will encourage them to take risks that will boost their self-confidence and
shape their self-esteem and self-concept. I will be always available to them at
any time. They need to see me standing beside them and supporting their
decisions every now and then. I will be holding their hands in each step they
took towards brilliant future.
Furthermore, I will tap on their interest by designing
different activities which are relevant to their personal life and interest. I
will always and forever engage them in authentic genuine learning situations
that motivate them and boost their energy.
On the other hand, I need to be
consistent in implementing logical consequences for misbehaviors. Rule number
one that the teacher must know is consistency. Consistency is always the key to
success. Students should know from the very beginning of the school that they
are responsible for their actions. “you break it -> you fix it”. Students
often misbehave not for the sake of just being impolite, causing noises or even
wasting time and challenging the teacher. As noble teachers, we should know
that there are different goals for misbehaviors which I will be acknowledging
in my future classroom. Students tend to misbehave for the sake of power,
attention, revenge and avoidance. Here, in my classroom I will deal effectively
with the underlying causes of the misbehavior. Besides that, I will try my best
to encourage students to participate in classroom discussions in which I will
initiate discussions that hold topics they are interested in.
Establishing good choices and decisions have always been
challenging and frustrating to students. This demonstrates the fact that
teachers should help students make responsible choices and efficient decisions.
So, in my future classroom, I will guide and monitor students` choices and help
them modify their decisions to sound more logic and responsible.
In the process of structuring my classroom and while
arranging students` desks I will take into consideration students` size,
problems and disabilities. For example, some students might have problems
concerning their vision so they can`t see from far distances, this type of
students should be placed in the first row beside the board. Also, I will
arrange students` seating according to their height from the shortest to the
tallest. Additionally, I will surely specify an area for instructional focal
point where students can gain access to the teacher.
Furthermore, after being exposed to different sets of
classroom management theories I`m now able to combine all the effective
techniques and strategies that I will be using in my future classroom just to
make it runs smoothly. I`m now able to use non-verbal communication skills such
as facial expressions and gestures to manage the class. For example, I can make
eye contact or I can use the power of physical proximity or I can raise one
hand up with holding two fingers at my lips or I can use a clap pattern, ring a
bell, play soft music, and turn off the lights.
I can admit now that I learned several valuable things that
will aid my teaching in the future. For example, I learned that in my future
class I need to communicate with my pupil`s parents. I recently knew the right
way of communicating with them such as sending letters, notes and then conference
with them. I will also start with the positive things about their kids then
shift to talk about their weaknesses or misbehaviors in a very implicit polite
In my future class I will specify a set of interesting
activities that will be available for early finishers. So here I can invest
time and help students learn too. Also with reference to what I have learned in
classroom management course I`m able now to recognize gifted students and
students with learning disabilities and I`m able to deal with them efficiently.
But the challenging part is with special needs students but in the near future
in my career I won`t dive to depth in dealing with them I will assign them to
specialists such as doctors, phycologists and counselors.
Moreover, I want to shed the light on my future relationship
with my students. actually, students are sensitive and innocent. They view
their teacher as their ideal person and role model. They always come to us
intrinsically motivated, that`s why as a future teacher I want to maintain a
friendly and intimate relationship with them. I will always be their positive
role model and that kind of humble teacher. I will never ever be superior to
Furthermore, my teaching style in my future classroom will
underlie both the inductive and deductive approach so I will be able to
demonstrate variety and reach all students. I encourage teaching inductively in
which students will be engaged in the learning process. However, sometimes I
will resort to deductive approach as well as a combination of both approaches.
In addition, I want to teach students always in a contextualized manner. I want
my teaching to be relevant, genuine and authentic. I will always take students`
experiential background into consideration.
I promise as a future teacher that I will alter my plan to
fit students` needs and abilities. I promise that I’ll try my best to reach all
the students and create and inclusive environment. I promise that I`ll take
students` needs and abilities into consideration. I promise that I will appeal
to students. I swear that I will touch the future by teaching and educating
pupils. And I swear to sympathize with students.
And finally, always remember that teaching is the one
profession that creates all other professions and the roots of education are
bitter but the fruits are sweet. That’s why teaching and education reacquire
patience to achieve our target and supreme goals. And together we learn, grow,
and play. We will always be together towards a better future.
In my future career, I will always remember to educate hearts
as well as minds. Since educating the mind without educating the heart is not
education at all.
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An interview with a professional. Mr. Walid Ayoub - An English Coordinator at S.D.E.C๐ |
Khalil Ayoub
English As a Second Language
of Education
International University
topmost Semitic purpose of evaluating ourselves is to encourage ourselves to
think deeply about our qualities, strengths and weaknesses in order to work on
them efficiently so we will invest and use them effectually in our future
career. Reflecting and assessing ourselves help us think about our performance
in our career as future teachers. When we evaluate ourselves we learn better,
we start to have wide vision in viewing the qualities that we possess also we
start to recognize our points of strengths and weaknesses which will contribute
in aiding learning if we worked much on them in order to develop them.
assessing ourselves means that we are viewing ourselves from the supervisor`s
eyes that`s why we need to be deceive in our evaluation and start to work on
developing our qualities so we can maintain a professional performance in our
future job.
start up, this spring`s practicum two field practice studies have been an
extension and continuation of the work and the experience I carried out and
accomplished in practicum one. This continuation afforded me the ability to
learn, recognize and identify a set of strategies and techniques which I will
be adopting and advocating in my future classroom.
In addition, field practice
studies enlightened up my way in the educational field in which it opened my
eyes to the real world of the teacher and it helped me realize that as
observers we shouldn`t be criticizing teachers for every step they take when
explaining the lesson or dealing with students as much as we should see if this
step aided learning or hindered learning. We need to identify if the steps done
by the teacher helped students learn and build knowledge or what.
I learned
that our work in the class as teachers should rotate around students. Our work
should be in terms of students since they are the center of our class and
without them no learning would take place.
don`t know what the future actually has in store for me, but I think that a
person with a TEFL degree who is holding on effective strategies and good
qualities will be a successful teacher in the future one day.
and to spread the power of positivity I want to highlight the different strong
points that I possess which will contribute in aiding, flourishing and
enhancing learning and teaching in my classroom.
Firstly, I can raise a sense
of competition in students which will help them interact and become engaged in
what they learn. This actually happened to me when I was teaching and helped me
figured out that I`m able to engage students in the learning process just by
raising a sense of competition among them.
Indeed, It was a reading
comprehension session in which I took the initiative to divide the class into
two groups and told them that we are going to read and explain each part alone
while I`m explaining I will ask you some questions and you’re going to raise
your hands and wait for me to call on you to answer and if you speak in Arabic
or don`t obey my directions one point will be detected from your group and if
you answer quietly and correctly your group will win one point for each correct
answer. Students were very excited at that time, they were very energetic and
started to raise their fingers to share answers. The session was very fruitful
since there was an inclusive interaction between me and the students.
I want to mention that I have great influence on students and I can encourage
them to participate in the discussion. This was obviously shown in two
incidents that happened to me during my teaching sessions in which I included a
shy and low achiever student in the discussion. I realized during my weekly
observations that Ali and Saddam don`t often participate in the classroom
discussion so I put them in my mind sand planned ahead of time to encourage
them to cooperate and participate in the learning process. Once I was teaching
reading in one of my teaching sessions I started to ask students questions
related to the topic that I was discussing saddam as usual was staring at me
and wasn`t raising his finger to participate.
Here, I called on saddam and
asked him a question and here he answered. I praised saddam for his good answer
and I smiled at him. Saddam smiled back at me and started to raise his finger to
the rest of the period. Thus, sometimes need to give students attention and
encourage them to participate. Teaching is about caring most of the times the
key of the student is a smile, a tap on his shoulder or even a praise. All
these together can help us reach the students easily.
the second place and regarding the point of having great influence on students,
I one to mention the incident that happened with me while teaching
contractions. In fact, I noticed that Ali is a shy student whenever the teacher
asks him to answer something his face blushes and he immediately puts his head
down and answer in a low voice.
Moreover, Ali doesn`t talk to his friends he
only focuses with his teacher and nods his head. Actually, he is a good student
since his marks are pretty good but he has a problem which is shyness that’s
why he barely interacts in the class. At that time and in the grammar session,
I called on Ali to come to the board. Ali`s face blushed as usual and he smiled
and put his head down. The class told me that Ali is very shy he doesn`t come
to the board when the teacher asks him to come. I told them NO! Ali is a good
student and see he will come to the board. I came closer to Ali and helped him
raise up his head then, I held his hand and I told the class to clap for him
and start encouraging Ali to come to the board. The class was very obedient,
students started calling Ali Ali Ali ... and finally, Ali came to the board and
solved the contraction. I felt glad at
that time as if I did an accomplishment but seriously I did.
the fact that I have a great influence on students, I admit that I possess a
good quality that is considered a worthy valuable one which is function under
stress and working efficiently on the spot. Throughout my educational journey
and during my teaching experience in practicum, I came to realize that I can
function under stress and I can work productively and have fruitful ideas and
outcome on the spot.
Most of my assignments I did them when I am stressed and
especially when the deadline is nearly approaching. One evidence that I can
function under stress is that I started working on my portfolio in the last few
days were all things and exams are cramped and accumulated together and I
succeeded in finalizing it. Moreover, most of the presentations and the drop
quizzes that I did in my courses were on the spot and spontaneous and I get the
highest marks on them.
Additionally, what demonstrates the fact of functioning
under stress and on the spot, is handling a session in the school which I was
observing in due to an emergent incident that happened with the teacher. At
that time and without planning ahead of time, I was able to give the session in
the place of the teacher. And I admit that the outcomes were pretty productive
and fruitful.
moving towards discussing another points of strengths, I want to indicate that
I am obsessed about students` affective aspects and emotions. Additionally, I
believe in my students, trust them and expect the best from them.
I believe
that my students are creative and smart enough to surprise me in different
situations by giving me answers that I wouldn’t think about them before. I
believe in them because I know that each one of them is intelligent in one way
or another. Each one of them has his own unique way of expressing ideas and
thoughts. Each one of them is intelligent in certain domain. Actually, I sensed
this when I was observing with a student named Mohammad. The teacher and the
students in the class marked Mohammad as a low achiever. And they sent this
impression to me from the first time I attended their class. However, when the
teacher in one of the sessions gave student an application to the lesson where
they have to draw things that will make people warm in winter, Mohammad drew a
wonderful drawing that caught my attention. It was very organized, neat and
awesome. At that time, I realized that no student is not smart or in other
words a low achiever. He is a smart and high achiever in different domains. All
what he/she needs is guidance, care, trust and encouragement so we can readily
direct the student`s behavior and interests.
more, I admit that I can give students choices which help them be responsible
and feel appreciated and satisfied in the classroom. Moreover, giving students
the chance to make choices engages them in whatever tasks they work on. This
was clearly shown in my reading comprehension session in which I asked students
to choose a name for their group and students called on at that time different
names and started to laugh and shout. They really were excited in choosing the
name of the group but I admitted previously that I was mistaken at that time
since I left the choice open for students but I learned that I should give
limited choices for students a close ended one.
I own a privilege in which I can notice if there is a disruptive behavior that
is going to pop in and anticipate it`s consequences before happening by
establishing clear direct logical consequences. For example, once I was
teaching third graders I was able to figure out that Hussein is going to fight
over the water bottle with Khaled so I told Hussein that I`m going to take the
water bottle from him and at the end of the period I`m going to give it back to
him. And seriously, it worked with me. Students need to know that they have to
stick to the rules and their consequences as one type of classroom management.
addition, I want to highlighting the fact that I`m good at delivering
instructions and repeating them as well. I noticed that during my teachings I
was able to deliver clear direct instructions and repeat them frequently and
sometimes wrote them on the board so students can catch them up. And indeed
this what happened, all students were able to follow directions correctly.
the language aspect, I can say that own different qualities that enable me to
become an efficient language teacher. Some of these qualities are: I have a
good clear handwriting that allows me to write in a neat clear way so students
can understand what I wrote on the board easily. And I realized that students
were able to copy after me correctly without asking about some clarifications.
I have clear articulation and pronunciation for the written material. This empowers
me in my future career as a language teacher and helps students recognize the
exact articulation of words and letters in addition, they will be able to grasp
the phonemes efficiently and produce phrases correctly. This enhances their
fluency in reading and speaking as well.
the other hand, as I have strong points that will aid my learning I have some
weaknesses which I want to consider and work on them efficiently so they won`t
interfere in hindering learning in any way. Firstly, I want to mention that I
have a problem regarding time management. Whenever I engage in the explanation
with my pupils I feel the pleasure to continue explaining and giving examples
as well as listening to their funny unique stories and forget about the time.
Sometimes I feel the pleasure to give more and more examples to demonstrate the
concept and do lots of practice to reinforce the task or concept. That`s why in
most of the times I ended up forgetting about the time. However, I`m mentioning
my weaknesses since I have an action plan which I will be adopting to develop
my weaknesses and transform them into positive points. Regarding time
management, I will set a plan which is planning the lesson at home, then
practicing it using a timer. I will practice and practice until I reach the
allowed time for my session. In this way I`ll be bounded by time and I`ll stick
to the time allowed to me during the session.
another point that I strongly need to consider is maintaining a natural pace.
In fact, I have a problem in maintain a natural pace while talking in which I
find myself running quickly in talking and sometimes I blend words and letters
together so students find it hard to understand the blended words. However, my
plan to treat such a weakness is to record to myself at home ahead of time. Or
to use a string that enables me to practice my talk gradually and naturally.
This will help me figure out the time that I took to deliver information and
the speed of my talk. Also, it contributed in organizing my speech in terms of
introduction, body and conclusion.
sum up, we usually reflect on ourselves and on experiences we encounter just
for the sake of learning and developing. And since I took the imitative to
create an action plan to work on my weaknesses efficiently and develop them, I feel for the
first time in my future teaching career that I can be an efficient leader who
will build minds and guide future pupils.
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Participant in The Fourth Annual Brunch Held by The School of Education ๐ |
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Storytelling Project ๐ Goldilocks and The Three Bears ๐ |
Time flies so fast. In fact, it`s wistful
looking back at all the things and incidents that happened to me during my TEFL
journey. Who would have thought that I`m on my third and last academic year in
university! My academic journey in the school of education is about to end up.
Indeed, I can`t hide my emotions and how thrilled I am when I was writing this
paper since my awaited big day “Graduation Day” is nearly approaching.
I was three years old when my cousin held
my hand and accompanied me to kg1 in my lovely respected public school Al-
Manara Second official school which is a local school that is located in my
district. When I was writing this bio data a smile was drawn on my face as I`m
flipping pages of memories in my head. I still remember my first day in kg1
where all my fellows were crying except me. It seems that I had this greatest
major concern and awareness towards education since my early childhood.
learned in Al- Manara Second official school from kindergarten to grade nine and
my journey was crowned with success in which I gained academic excellence
through collecting certificates of participation and excellence. In my
respected school, I was marked as high self-confident student that`s why
whenever they need a presenter in any occasion they don`t hesitate to call on
me to handle such task. In grade nine I got my first degree in education which
was the brevet. Then, I moved to another level actually another chapter of my
life, from intermediate level to secondary level.
I entered high school at the
age of 14 and graduated from it at the age of 17. My high school was a public
school too and it`s the educational edifice that holds all my craziness,
unforgettable memories, friendship goals and qualifications in education it`s
Al Manara high official school. I spent my best three years there where I
participated in extra curriculum activities such as plays additionally I was an
active member in the environmental club in my school where we used to plant
trees, clean the streets and deliver lectures on the importance of recycling,
sorting garbage, saving and keeping our environment clean to raise the
awareness among society members.
Furthermore, I graduated from high school
basically from the socio-economic section and here another journey began. It`s
the university journey and here we go. Once I wanted to register in my
honorable university which is the Lebanese International University (LIU)
khiara- branch, I was very lost. I entered the gates of the university and I
had no idea about what major I want to major in. I still remember the short
conversation that took place between me and my dad at that time which actually
summarized all the grace and satisfaction that I have today. He convinced and
advised me to major in TEFL saying that the best supreme career for a girl is
teaching where she will be dealing with minds and will be respected and thanked
for each and every effort she exerts. He added that the efforts that I will be
exerting in educating pupils will clear my sins as is mentioned in the holy
book al Quraan. And he succeeded in convincing me and as a matter of fact I
majored in TEFL which is the fact that I won`t be regretting anymore.
school of education is my second family, the family that taught me many things.
It’s the place where I do really belong. It taught me collaboration,
integration, interaction, respect, dignity and morals besides education. During
my three years in the department I experienced lots of things that changed my
way of viewing the world and my thinking as well. I spent several months
observing in local schools which taught me how a real life of a teacher looks
Moreover, it added to my knowledge different skills and strategies which
I will be advocating and using in my future classroom. In addition, these field
practice studies exposed me to different groups of students and it taught me
how should I deal with each and every one. And I will never ever forget to
mention the pleasure I had when I participated in the extracurricular
activities that were launched by the department. These activities taught me how
to be organized and collaborate with others hand in hand to achieve success and
attain fruitful results. They enhance the spirit of the team work and they
bring the best out of me. Moreover, they raised and enhanced a sense of
competition towards better results and future.
One point I need to mention is that
besides observing in local schools I had the chance to observe and teach in the
school that I did all of my observations in. I was a part-time English teacher
who taught kg3 students and actually this was a turning point in my educational
life really since being with students and succeeding in dealing with them
helped me figure out that I really chose the right major and I’m really in the right
What is mentioned previously summarizes my educational journey from kindergarten to university. And we are always together hand in hand towards better brilliant future.
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The Arab Feminist Conference ๐ |
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Independence Day at S.D.E.C. ๐ |
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Class of 2017 ๐ TEFL |
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Second Place Winner In The Education Day ⇛ Educational Psychology Project |
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S.D.E.C. Family๐๐ |
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Quality Assurance in Higher Education Conference๐ |
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Role Models๐ |
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Fifth Education Day ![]() First place winner for the language creation project "Cinemia Language" |
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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet ![]() Practicum 1 teaching portfolio ![]() #Senior_project |
It has been a long one bit you worth it. You have a beautiful inspiration that will absolutely brings so many benefits for youe educators. Good luck!