Monday 2 April 2018

There are three things to remember about education. The first is motivation. The second one is motivation. The third one is motivation. (former U.S. Secretary of Education Terrel Bell).
Motivation has been always a major concern for educators. It’s always viewed as a primary and essential factor due to its importance in the educational environment. Motivation has several effects on students` learning and behavior since it`s the need or the desire that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior toward a certain goal (Hancock, 2004).

Students came to schools intrinsically motivated. They have this strong desire to learn and discover new things throughout their academic journey. They came to us with high self-esteem and high expectations about learning and education in general. But unfortunately teachers, school system and school curriculum sometimes play an important and major role in demotivating and frustrating students. 

So this lack of motivation affects our students and appears to increase each year from cycle one to high school. Students can demonstrate and show this lack of motivation and encouragement by blocking and withholding efforts in the educational field as well as in some extracurricular activities or mind games and competitions. 
therefore, we need to create, provide and inspire the conditions and keys for the growth of motivation in our students. 


  1. All things in life need motivation.Children to give a great results also need motivation. Teacher must have to learn how motivate children without differentiate between pupils to give a proper education results.

  2. Basically motivation does a foundation on which all what other educational aspects build on. Motivation at the very beginning starts in building a healthy student-teacher relationship, then to ensure a perfect classroom climate in which motivation pushes all students to be involved in all tasks of different forms. Also, when students feel motivated, they feel their sense of belonging and acceptance. Teachers are responsible to initiate motivation then it all spreads among students who become real to give good but best results!

  3. The poster above is a brief summery of all what is written and illustrated,since teaching,inspiring and motivating are bounded together in a way that each one completes the other to achieve a professional educational goal.

  4. Motivation directs behavior toward particular goals and determines the specific goals toward which people strive;thus,it affects the choices students make.It also leads to increased effort and energy.Motivation determines whether a student will pursue a task (even a difficult one) with enthusiasm or a lackluster attitude.It increases the initiation and persistence of activities.It enhances cognitive processing and it actually affects what and how information is processed because motivated students are more likely to pay attention and try to understand the material instead of simply going through the motions of learning in a superficial manner.
