Monday 2 April 2018

Languages are made up of different systems. These systems contribute in giving it meaning and sense as well. One of the important language system is syntax. Syntax refers to the study of rules that give the correct word order in the sentence so that grammaticality will be correct. 

Syntax is greatly intertwined with teaching. When we talk about teaching a correct formation of sentence structure, syntax pops in. Additionally, one major quality for a teacher to possess in the teaching profession is that she should balance her qualities between knowledge and skills of teaching. In other words, teaching is the profession that includes the art and science of teaching. And this absolutely could be related to syntax too. Since syntax is a cognitive science i.e. a cover term for a group of disciplines that all have the same goal which is actually describing and explaining human`s ability to think more about abstract notions. 

1 comment:

  1. To obtain or achieve syntax goals,schools must begin syntax from preschooler. Without that,teacher in primary schools will not have the power to achieve syntax goals.
